A Common Defence Used in a Car Accident Case

Getting involved in any case can be frustrating and stressful, especially in cases where the other person has a better defense than you. That is why often lawyers recommend few standard protocols for a person to follow if they are caused with any damage like documenting the scene or gathering information about the other person because any piece of evidence that you carry can be a tremendous object to be used as a defense by your attorney. 

It is natural for a person to be unclear on available options after getting into an accident. You can get in touch with a Houston car accident attorney because an attorney will take on the legal aspects involved in the case while also offering effective legal advice.

Here are some common defense strategies used in a car accident case:

  • No medical admission: A victim must seek medical treatment immediately after meeting with an accident. If the victim fails to do so, the case might get dismissed at the court because the defense can be raised claiming that the victim did not approach medical care and the injury was not caused due to the accident. Hence, if you had gone for medical treatment, you would have reports to show.
  • Statute of limitation gets expired: Although the victim might take time to recover from his injuries caused by the accident, he should approach the claim via an attorney so that the hired lawyer can continue building his defense while the victim is recovering. If there is a delay in the approach for the claim, then the time limit for the case may end, and the statute of limitation might expire. On the expiry of the statute of limitation, the court will not consider hearing the case. 
  • Usage of comparative negligence: In some cases, the defendant will try to impose comparative negligence where the victim is called out for his injury, saying that the accident was caused by both the parties so that the compensation amount will be divided at a certain ratio between the victim and the defendant. However, you do not necessarily have to accept it if your attorney has built a robust defense. 

Therefore, the defendant may develop various defense strategies with his attorney to ensure that you are not settling for anything less unless you are fairly compensated for the injuries caused and the damages incurred due to the other party’s negligent act.