Which One of the Following Activities Is Not An Example of Incident Coordination?

which one of the following activities is not an example of incident coordination

Incident coordination is the backbone of effective crisis management, pivotal in ensuring streamlined operations, clear communication, and swift resolution. However, there’s often confusion about what activities actually fall under the umbrella of incident coordination. In this in-depth article, we’ll meticulously dissect each aspect of incident coordination and explore activities that don’t fit the category.

The Landscape of Incident Coordination

Incident coordination is typically framed within the broader context of incident management. In a crisis situation—be it cyberattacks, natural disasters, or business disruptions—incident coordination facilitates timely communication, resource allocation, and problem-solving.

Key Elements of Incident Coordination

  1. Planning: Preparing a comprehensive incident response plan.
  2. Communication: Clear communication channels among team members.
  3. Resource Allocation: Assigning resources effectively for incident resolution.
  4. Monitoring: Tracking the incident’s progress and making adjustments.
  5. Documentation: Recording all actions and decisions for future reference.

What Doesn’t Qualify as Incident Coordination?

Often, activities that are part of the broader incident management process are misconceived as incident coordination. To provide clarity, let’s delve into what doesn’t constitute incident coordination.

External PR Activities

While it’s essential to inform stakeholders and the general public about the status of a crisis, public relations activities don’t usually fall under incident coordination. These are generally considered part of crisis communication but are not focused on resolving the incident itself.

Routine Maintenance

Regular system checks, hardware replacements, or software updates are not examples of incident coordination. These are preventative measures designed to avert incidents rather than coordinate responses to them.

Decision Making

Incident coordination facilitates decision-making but isn’t the act of making the decision itself. For instance, choosing to allocate more funds to a specific department to tackle an incident would be a decision made outside the purview of coordination activities.


Employee training sessions, whether aimed at equipping staff with crisis management skills or not, are not considered part of incident coordination. Training is a preparatory activity and not a direct part of crisis response coordination.

Related Concepts

To further delineate the scope of incident coordination, understanding related concepts like incident response, crisis management, and emergency planning can be useful.

  1. Incident Response: This is a structured approach detailing processes to follow when a cybersecurity incident occurs. While it involves coordination, it is not solely focused on that aspect.
  2. Crisis Management: This is a broader term that includes various activities—like risk assessment, communication, and stakeholder management—in addition to incident coordination.
  3. Emergency Planning: This is the act of preparing for unexpected events. It may include the development of an incident response plan but doesn’t involve real-time coordination.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is risk assessment a part of incident coordination?

Risk assessment is generally performed before and after an incident but isn’t considered part of the real-time incident coordination activities.

What role does documentation play in incident coordination?

Documentation provides a historical record of actions and decisions made during an incident. It is vital for audits, future training, and refining incident response plans.

Can a single person handle incident coordination?

It’s generally not advisable for a single person to manage incident coordination due to the multifaceted nature of the tasks involved. Teams are usually more effective.

How is incident coordination different from incident response?

Incident coordination is a subset of incident response, focusing on facilitating communication, resources, and actions necessary for incident resolution.


Incident coordination is a complex and multifaceted function that plays a critical role in effective incident management. However, it’s crucial to understand its boundaries to avoid misclassifying other activities like routine maintenance, external PR, and decision-making as incident coordination. By distinguishing what doesn’t fall under incident coordination, organizations can focus their efforts on activities that directly contribute to resolving crises efficiently and effectively.