Slick Cash Loan Solutions: You Can Grab the Best

A lot of people have questions regarding payday loans and how to be approved for one. The great majority of payday loan lenders do not check applicants’ credit before authorizing the loan. The majority of the time, they will ask for proof that the applicant has been working for at least three months.

You need to submit them with your full name, address, and checking account information along with a utility bill or other form of identification showing your current residence.

Payday loans often have a short repayment period, typically between 14 and 28 days. An extension of up to 62 days, or almost two months, is possible. Any time you borrow money from a payday lender, you will have to sign a loan agreement. When you sign the loan agreement, you’re promising to pay back the principal amount borrowed plus any interest or other charges levied by the lender.

A payday loan provider may take the following steps if you fail to repay your loan by the due date:

It will be far more difficult to repay the amount if late fees and interest are included in. Some lenders may tack on a penalty interest rate of 60% if you pay your loan late. If you want to know the interest rate that will be charged, you should check the terms and conditions of your agreement.

Please provide your details to one of them so that she can set up a repayment plan for your loan. The harm done here will make it hard for you to get loans in the future. There comes the slickcashloan offers small payday loans online no credit check for you.

If the dispute is very minor, you should file a claim in a small claims court. If the lender wins in court, the court may allow the lender to confiscate some of your assets. It might also provide him the opportunity to steal from your salary. Wage garnishment is the official name for this practise under the law.

You are not eligible for any more payday loans while you have an outstanding loan with the lender.

You should know exactly how much interest will be added to your loan.

In 2018, a borrower cannot be charged more than $15 in fees for every $100 borrowed, down from the previous maximum of $20. If this rule is followed, customers can be made to believe that their loan’s interest rate is 15 percent when in fact it’s much higher.

Interest rates are typically calculated over a yearly period. Regardless of the duration of the repayment period, it is standard practise for financial institutions like banks, credit unions, and credit card companies to charge interest based on an annual rate.

To borrow money from a payday lender, the fee is not indicated as an annual interest rate. In its place, they settle on a lump payment that will be repaid in full over the course of the whole payback term, which is much shorter than a year.

A payday loan typically has a repayment period of 14 to 28 days, with a maximum of 62 days. So, the cost of borrowing money is equivalent to an annual interest rate far over 15%.


The annual percentage rate (APR) that would be applied to a loan of $100 is shown in the table below. There is a $15 origination fee added to each loan, and the total amount you’d have to pay back is dependent on how long you keep the money.