The table and the chairs are a kind of furniture on which you do not always have completely clear ideas. There is someone who loves the round table and does not want others, who opts instead for the rectangular one, and who for the square. Likewise, each has its own table with white chairs aesthetic and functional aesthetics of materials: anyone who prefers wood, metal, crystal, antique, modern, plastic, and so on.
We just want to make a brief premise on what are the functional and dimensional features of a good “dining area” so that everyone can choose the most suitable furnishing accessories for that space, according to their own taste but with the exact knowledge of their own needs.
The first element to be weighed for purchasing a center table is the number of seats that are needed or may be needed. The calculation is simple: each diner serves, for sitting at a table with a bit of ease, at least 60 cm wide and 40 inches deep. So a rectangular table of 120/140 cm for 80 cm will suffice for six people. Where there was room for eight, a table – always rectangular – would need a 180/200 cm for 80 cm.
Likewise, a square center table of about 120 cm in the side will be good for 8 people, but in smaller versions, it is not advisable to drop below 90 cm, or better than 1 m, if you want to sit four people, because closeness to the corners of the diners would otherwise result in overlapping. The round shape is what most people think is better to use the available space: in fact, for six people alone, a round table of about 120 cm in diameter …. And so on…