Learn IB English With A Certified Tutor

The ib english tutor hk provides valuable assistance in preparing students for the critical assessment by teaching them the required examination preparation strategies and exam-taking skills. Through formal guidance and feedback, these IB English tutors help students identify their high marks and weaknesses in the IO.

What is an IB English teacher?

The IB educators lead the way to provide a complete international education for students. The leadership and IB educator certificates help these educators develop in areas that benefit teaching and learning in various ways that are oriented toward:

  • inquiry
  • research
  • project-based learning

IB (International Baccalaureate) tutors are the name of an education foundation that is organizing education for students all over the world aged 3 to 19.

The IB tutors understand the must-knows for the desired level in the following:

  • grammar
  • vocabulary
  • speaking
  • listening
  • reading
  • writing
  • pronunciation

So, they help you in every aspect of learning English on your way to fluency.

What is a good IB English tutor?

So, what main qualities of a good IB English teacher? A good IB English tutor has these qualities:

  • great communications skills
  • confidence in delivering lesson plan
  • not afraid of the challenges

A good IB English tutor has all these qualities. If any of these qualities is lacking means it is not a good tutor for you. So, pick the right IB English tutor and prepare yourself to learn IB English by taking the said course.

IB English course

The course is organized in the following:

  • 3 areas of exploration
  • 7 central concepts
  • focuses on the study of literary works

Together, the 3 areas of exploration of the course will add to a complete exploration of literature from the following:

  • variety of cultures
  • literary forms and periods

The exams are a hard spot for IB for the students. One of the flagship subjects is English Literature. English Literature is considered hard and its exams are the same.

There are two versions of IB classes or courses, they are:

  • Higher Level (HL)
  • Standard Level (SL)

The most general difference between these two versions is the amount of coursework expected and some key differences in what is being delivered to the student as learning material. Language A is separated because of its difficulty of exams and different kinds and options to read material for the class. The reading material counts here because the examinations are based on the reading material.

Concepts of IB

Students are suggested to use the 7 central concepts as the starting point to develop a line of inquiry, such as:

  1. Culture
  2. Creativity
  3. Communication
  4. Perspective
  5. Representation
  6. Identity
  7. Transformation

What does an IB English tutor teach?

The IB English tutors will offer guidance to understand and master the set texts needed for the course. Students are ensured to have a strong grasp of the following:

  • characters
  • themes
  • contextual nuances

An English tutor helps students in several aspects of their educational life. These tutors help students learn reading, writing, and speaking. They prepare students for the tests and exams while offering additional support where it is needed.