Get to know the most common reasons behind gum swelling!

Swollen gums is a common oral medical condition that is caused by gingivitis and several other factors like infections, underlying health conditions, etc. Gum swelling can trigger intense pain, sensitivity, and even bleeding, which makes routine tasks like eating and chewing very challenging. So, if you’re facing such a problem, it is essential to understand the triggers. Let’s uncover the most common reasons behind gum swelling, as suggested by an Annapolis dentist

The 8 Most Common Reasons Behind Gum Swelling

Ignoring Oral Hygiene: Poor oral hygiene is the primary reason for gingivitis, which is responsible for gum swelling. When you ignore proper brushing and flossing, plaque gets deposited on your teeth, which irritates your gums and causes swelling. Neglecting gingivitis can allow it to progress into a more severe form of gum disease known as periodontitis.

Oral Infections: Gum swelling can also arise from bacterial or fungal infections within the mouth. These infections stem from untreated cavities, cracked teeth, or improperly cleaned dentures. Therefore, a timely dental checkup is essential for addressing these issues.

Hormonal Alterations: When your body undergoes hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, menstruation, or menopause, you may observe gum swelling. These hormonal imbalances heighten gum sensitivity, making them more prone to swelling and bleeding.

Nutrient Deficiency: Like other body parts, oral wellness also depends on the adequacy of vitamins and minerals. When your body doesn’t get sufficient nutrients, especially vitamin C, you may experience swelling in your gums.

Medications’ Side-effect: Certain drugs, like specific antihypertensives, anticonvulsants, and immunosuppressants, may produce side effects that lead to gum swelling. If you notice swollen gums while taking any medications, consult your healthcare provider to explore potential alternatives.

Tobacco Consumption: Smoking or using smokeless tobacco products intensifies the risk of gum disease and gum swelling. Chemicals in tobacco products irritate the gums, rendering them vulnerable to inflammation.

Dental Products Allergies: Sometimes swollen gums can be attributed to allergies to toothpaste, mouthwash, or other dental-care products. In case you feel irritation using any such product, consult your dentist to identify suitable alternatives.

Underlying Health Conditions: Certain physiological medical conditions, such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and blood disorders, affect your gum health and trigger gum swelling. Managing these underlying health issues is imperative for preventing oral complications.

Gum swelling can be caused by a variety of reasons; most of them are, however, preventable through effective oral hygiene practices and routine dental check-ups. If you experience prolonged gum swelling, you must consult a dentist for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Always remember that your beautiful smile sits over your gums; never ignore them.