Choose Your Options for the best Skin care

Everyone wants to have soft, smooth skin, but it still needs to be maintained properly. To get baby skin, moisturizer is an essential product to add to your beauty routine. But why choose an organic moisturizer and how to choose it?

Why hydrate your face and body?

“Hydration is essential for the skin” is a phrase we hear constantly. But why is it so important? Quite simply because the skin is in direct contact with potential allergens and with various sources of skin attacks such as pollution. To ward off these external aggressions, the surface layer of the skin (the epidermis) is covered with a thin protective film called hydrolipidic film, which is intended to protect your epidermis and retain hydration in the upper layers of your skin. The water thus “stored” thanks to this skin barrier will allow it to strengthen. This is the reason why, regardless of your skin type, it is advisable to use moisturizers to nourish your face and body.

Should we favor organic?

More and more manufacturers are claiming organic production with natural ingredients, as consumers are more interested in the substances used in cosmetic products. This awareness took place thanks to the media which were able to shed light on studies questioning the harmfulness of certain ingredients, used in a large part of conventional cosmetics. The specialized apps also tell us about the ingredients used. As you buy the organic medicines from iherb 優惠碼 you can have the best solutions right there.

If the formulation of cosmetics in France is highly regulated, the use of certain ingredients prized by conventional cosmetics for their affordable price remains controversial. This is particularly the case with silicones, ingredients that are found in many creams, anti-aging treatments and body milks. Silicones have a semi-occlusive effect, which while smoothing your pores and fine lines, prevents the active ingredients of your cosmetics from penetrating your epidermis. Organic products are therefore favored by more and more consumers, for their generally short list of ingredients and which contains very few dyes or texture agents.

How to choose your organic moisturizer?

Selecting your moisturizer is not an easy task.

Self-tanning, exfoliating, or even anti-wrinkle?

To know if a cream is organic, refer to the ingredients present in the cream (ingredients which must always be filled in). Do not rely on the mention “organic” and make sure yourself that the composition meets the standards. You can go for the iHerb Coupon there.

The first criterion to take into account is your skin type:

Oily skin: If you have oily skin, moisturizers can be frightening since the idea of ​​an additional oily film on the skin instills an idea of ​​extra fat. However, there are moisturizers made for oily skin. Oily skin, due to their excessive production of sebum, shines all over the face. They must therefore be matified. So opt for a mattifying and sebo-regulating cream. In addition, you can choose a cream enriched with jojoba oil, which helps regulate sebum production. You can also get a konjac sponge to cleanse your face. This sponge can be used alone with water, with your cleanser or with your regular cleansing milk.